You can download a visa application form for the Republic of Serbia at the following address:
Visa fees for Serbia – payment procedure
Visa fee has to be paid in advance in euros by transferring the requested amount to the Embassy bank account. The amount is not refundable. It is necessary to send by e mail the proof of the bank transfer and purpose of transfer immediately to the Embassy e mail address along with all other requested documentation. In payment slip, please include the NAME of the person who is appliying for visa.
To ensure that the EXACT AMOUNT is received by the embassy, it is highly advised to consult your local bank of possible incurring BANK CHARGES.
Bank Account details of Embassy of the Republic of Serbia:
(please DO NOT FORGET to include the NAME OF THE VISA APPLICANT in the bank slip)
АCCOUNT NO: 3597226350
BANK: PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Menara Bank Danamon
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok C No.10
JAKARTA Selatan, Jakarta 12940
Old account nyumber with DEUTSCHE BANK – JAKARTA BRANCH is no longer operational.
The applicant(s) has to cover all postal costs (for sending back passport(s) to the applicant(s) to the country covered by this Embassyf : 30 - 55 Euros) – via DHL.
There is no visa fee for holder of passports of: Armenia, China, Mali, Pakistan, and Syria.
Visa fees for Montenegro – payment procedure
PRIOR TO PAYMENT , kindly inform us in advance whether you require INDIVIDUAL or GROUP VISA (different fees shall apply)
1. Transfer the amount of 124 Euros (for individual visa) after you e-mail all required documentations to our embassy.
Embassy cannot accept cash payment.
2. The DHL postal fee of 30 or 35 Euros is transferred ONLY after the embassy informs you that your visa application is APPROVED by the Ministry in Montenegro.
You can pick up the issued visa by visiting our chancery. In this case, the DHL postal fee shall not apply.
3. DO NOT FORGET to write down the NAME OF THE VISA APPLICANT on the bank slip and e-mail the proof of payment to the embassy
(to ensure the EXACT AMOUNT is received by the embassy, it is highly advised to consult your local bank of possible incurring BANK CHARGES )
Visa fee has to be paid in advance in euros by transferring the requested amount to the Embassy bank account. The amount is not refundable. It is necessary to send by e mail the proof of the bank transfer and purpose of transfer immediately to the Embassy e mail address along with all other requested documentation – in payment slip, please put the NAME of the person who applied for visa.
To ensure that the EXACT AMOUNT is received by the embassy, it is highly advised to consult your local bank of possible incurring BANK CHARGES.
Bank Account details of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia:
(please DO NOT FORGET to include the NAME OF THE VISA APPLICANT in the bank slip)
АCCOUNT NO: 3597226350
BANK: PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Menara Bank Danamon
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok C No.10
JAKARTA Selatan, Jakarta 12940
The applicant(s) has to cover all postal costs (for sending back passport(s) to the applicant(s) to the country covered by this Embassy by DHL : 30 - 55 Euro) – via DHL.